2024 Virtual Appointments

If you are interested in an appointment, please email redhawkappointments@gmail.com with the subject line "Appointment Interest" and we will contact you with availability for the upcoming year.

Welcome to Red Hawk Physical Therapy

Hi Friends,

Based on the responses from last week's note it seems like sarcasm and absurd human behavior is a common thread with our sangha! Thank goodness.

In an effort to keep you all updated on some of the "findings" in my own personal yoga practice, combined with some deeper studies of the human body, I have recorded a new 90 minute practice. Last week Teresa and I filmed a practice that will be familiar in many ways. I will also introduce some new variations on a theme with the poses and new concepts and ideas to keep steering the ship into tranquil waters.

This week I had an outsider's view into how yoga has become such an integral part of my existence. I have a friend named Shery that I have known my entire life. Our moms were best friends and we were born just months apart. We didn't have to be friends but we are, and always will be. She and her husband were visiting us here in Michigan from NYC. Neither one of them practices yoga and have never really seen me in my yoga mode.

While showing them around DT Saugatuck we stopped by Satya yoga studio to see the flower boxes that David has installed and the stars aligned for Teresa and I to do a short chant or two so they could hear what we do. What a beautiful moment in time to share the empowerment of yoga and to realize how deeply yoga infiltrated my being. Witnessing the response that it evokes, inward and outward, assures me I will always continue my practice.

Please click here to purchase this new class and it is yours forever: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/satyayogasaugatuck.

Satya has a new online library. You will be able to either purchase the single class by clicking on the title or you can "subscribe" and receive access to all of my workshops and virtual content. New classes and workshops as well as some older content will be added in the future too. As always if you have technical questions you can reach Teresa with Satya at teresa@satyayogasaugatuck.com. I hope you enjoy the practice and always welcome your feedback. I plan on recording a follow up class with a standing/balance pose concentration.

Harvey and Evelyn Summer in Michigan

With Heart,
Evelyn Anne

Weekly Yoga Classes

  • Where: Satya Yoga Saugatuck - 439 Butler St, Saugatuck
  • What: In Person Yoga Therapeutics (Click here to register)
  • When: Tuesday 7:30am, Wednesday 9am & 4:30pm, Thursday 7:30am

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and YouTube for updates about Michigan life, dog adventures, and much more!